Friday, August 31, 2012


And my life was altered JUST.LIKE.THAT!

Two years ago, I was very much single and unattached.  I had my whole life -- time, resources, energy, and everything within my control <oh well, and God's, of course>.  The thing is, I had everything planned according to how I like it -- I will finish school, I will travel to the ends of what my extra savings could reach <translated as promo fares>, I will have fun. Life was good. And honestly, I could stay like that forever.

Then a man, and later - a boy swept me off my feet -- and my life has gradually changed. First, the proposal. Then, the marriage, then the bump, now the baby.

No more shopping sprees. No more overtimes. No more starbucks, or yellow cab, or other late-night joyride and getaways. Now, I try to forget about spending too much, and start saving for the family.
My life now revolves around my two boys, who are actually my joys.

My dreams, aspirations, and priorities have changed, too.

This time around, my time, resources, energy, and everything will be --first and foremost to God, and to my family.  With God's grace, and strength, I will be my husband's helpmate, his partner in crime, his listener of his <paulit-ulit >stories, his right ear <because his' is no longer functioning>, his number one fan, and critic...I may not be highly domesticated -- but I will see to it that I will manage the home first,  before managing anything outside of the home.

As for our little bundle of joy -- I will play with him, laugh with him, sing to him, dance him, cuddle him, kiss him, feed him, teach him, and love, love, LOVE him!

I have made it a resolve that nothing shall come between me and the needs of my family...because of all the responsibilities placed on my hand, or the aspirations within my reach -- this is the one thing I'm certain that has an eternal value.

My life was altered, all right, but I love every bit of its changes... I don't want it any other way.

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